Happy Wednesday!!
Debbie....as always nice to see your reply today!
That would have been great to see you in Oregon. I will be heading back to MN by the time you are getting ready to go there. Where will you be? My granddaughter lives just outside of Portland.
I look forward to seeing more pics of your quilts. I am sure the baby quilt is really nice!
64 degrees....in my dreams!! It is so nasty here right now I can't even talk about it....GRRRRRRR!! Why do I stay in this state!!! I need to work harder at having Vickie let me take over her house for a month...LOL!!!
Love and many hugs to you....connie d
Got a totally unexpected call from the Weight Center - to schedule an appointment with the Surgeon. I see him next Wednesday. Plus, if Sleep Apnea test is positive, I only have to be on the machine for one month, not two as I thought. So if insurance approval goes through smoothly, I could be having surgery in April or May. Can you hear me shouting WOOOOO-HOOOOO???
Good Afternoon Connie, and OFF Sisters,
Wow, I was so insanely busy yesterday, I don't remember getting on my laptop. First, I watched Frankie all morning. Then, we picked Lincoln up from preschool. After I got home, I had to straighten up my living room, because the boys came over while Colleen went to Izzy's Girl Scout meeting. Then, I tried to finish my Bible study, and then, went to Bible study. After I got home, I watched NCIS, which I DVRed.
This morning, I watched Frankie, so Colleen could chaperone Lincoln's class trip to a gymnastics place. After I got home, I crashed, trying to shake a killer headache. I made an appointment with my primary doctor, because I have a cough that I don't understand why. I also have a really bad pain in my back, which gets worse when I cough. It's on the left, near my shoulder blade. It really is bothering me. It just started on Thursday, or Friday. So, after I watch Frankie in the morning tomorrow, I head to the appointment.
Anyway, I have the boys again. Lincoln and I started watching "Cars 2" On Demand, yesterday. We're watching the end now.
Tonight, I head over to church for the beginning of the children's program. I sign the big kids in, so they can get their points.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer